Jewish wedding photographer in Hampshire

I’m pleased to share this elegant Jewish wedding with you now. Meet Rebecca and Jack at their late summer wedding I shot this August. Oh what a huge event this was, put together by Atom Events – roughly 450 guests attended – a great day to be a wedding photographer. Atom Events is a high profile event planning agency based in London and Dublin.

Being a wedding photographer has taken me to many Jewish weddings lately. Shot one in Israel, France and now this one in UK.  They’ve all been good fun – Jewish people definitely know how to party.

Jewish wedding traditions

If you want to become a Jewish wedding photographer firstly you should do a bit of research before. Their rich culture and traditions are a bit different from those we are used to. Firstly they are Reform or strictly Orthodox. But the common things you should know are following:

Hampshire countryside wedding

Enjoy the gallery below and see what I’m talking about. It was one of the greatest weddings of the year, be sure not to miss it. Thank you Rebecca and Jack for being great on the day, thank you Atom Events for putting this wedding together, it was perfect.

For any enquiries regarding weddings – please get in touch through the contact form. For more of my work please ether keep on checking this blog or, alternatively, check my wedding portfolio.

Mazel Tov!

private wedding venue Hampshiretent village wedding

teepee village
The Teepee village for the guests. This is a very nice wedding idea, if you are planning a country side wedding and you need to host many guests. For example 450 guests as Rebecca and Jack.

apple garden wedding

garden grapes England
I like the garden, perfect place to do wedding photos – little bit neglected, but still looks like it’s been well looked after.

rustic wedding venuecocktail hourfire tuba London

These two cuties where invited to the wedding and decorated accordingly. sorry I don’t remember their names.

dogs wedding UKflower dogsafternoon teahuge wedding dinnerjewish wedding floral designjewish event designwedding designsigning ketubah

This was taken during Ketubahs signing before the ceremony. That contract outlines groom’s responsibilities to his bride.

jewish wedding NW3ketubah signingsigning agreementbest manlamp designjewish wedding hairstylistJewish bride getting readyhairpiece stylinggorgeous bridebedekken ceremonyjewish weddingshebrew bookready for tearsseven blessing ceremonyjewish wedding ceremony chuppahunder the chuppahcountry wedding venue UKdaily prayer bookjewish wedding UK

seven blessings
Seven blessings.

Sheva B’rachot or Seven Blessings

They start with with a cup of wine, then all 7 blessing are red my family members.mazel tov

Breaking of the Glass. This tradition has various meanings, but mainly it symbolises the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.

jewishdocumentary photographer

Ha, ha, ha…this fella didn’t want to move off the carpet of the ceremony isle carpet. Maybe it is his everyday spot for many years.

wedding band UK

jewish wedding photographer
As a wedding of 450 guests the couple Rebecca and Jack were very busy, so I had roughly 2-3 minutes to do the photoshoot below – it was intense but well worth it! Like the couple, like the garden.

jewish wedding photos

wedding photographer
Meet Rebecca and Jack at their late summer wedding I shot this August.
wedding photographer UK
A great day to be a Jewish wedding photographer.

jewish wedding Londonjewish couples weddingbridal portraits rustic gardenjewish men dancingmirror dance floortraditional jewish dancingjewish wedding dance girlsjewish traditional wedding dancejewish wedding cakefather speechround of applauseguests giggling amazing weddingwedding guestsuk wedding photo blogatom eventsreaction father bridelaughter during speechesbride wedding speechgroom listening to speechwreathsdrum kitphotobooth rental ukwild party remote flashwedding cakefirst dance different anglefirst dance cutting cakefirst dance bride groomjewish wedding first dancephotoscreaming guestsjewish wedding band Londonjewish wedding party photographercrazy wedding partylast dance finalprivate wedding venuenight weddingHampshire wedding private venue

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